Jewish Museologies and the Politics of Display
- Date
- Sunday 13 - Monday 14 March, 2016
Generously supported by a conference grant from the EAJS (European Association for Jewish Studies).
Lorenzo Borgonovo (IMT-Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy)
Jewish Museum Livorno between fascism and post-fascism
David Clark (Independent Researcher)
A Difficult Balancing Act: Portraying Jews as both Similar To and Different From
Alexandra Cropper (Jewish Museum Manchester)
UK roundtable
Katalin Deme (Aarhus University)
New challenges of Scandinavian Jewish Museology
Anastasia Felcher (IMT-Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy)
‘Barbed Wire and a Dress on a Hanger’: Jewish Presences in Museums across former USSR
Michal Frankl (Jewish Museum Prague)
The “Spanish” Synagogue and the Challenges of “Exhibiting Jews” in the Czech Republic
Eva Frojmovic (Univ. of Leeds)
David Glasser (Ben Uri Gallery, London)
Jewish Museums, Ben Uri, Future & Faith: Jew Diligence or Due Diligence
Felicitas Heimann-Jellinek (Independent Scholar)
Showing without Revealing
Sharman Kadish (Jewish Heritage UK, Manchester)<
UK roundtable
Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett (POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews)
Curating Between Hope and Despair: Jewish Museums in Europe Today
Shir Kochavi (Univ. of Leeds)
M. Narkiss 1945-50, heirless property, and the transformation of the Bezalel Museum
Cilly Kugelmann (Jewish Museum Berlin)
The Challenge of Presenting Jewish Cultures (in the German context)
Erica Lehrer (Concordia University) & Monika Murzyn-Kupisz (Krakow University of Economics)
Re-curating the Nation: Representing Jews in Polish folk museums
Philippa Lester (Milim, Leeds)
UK roundtable
Antonia Lovelace (Leeds City Museums)
UK roundtable
Abigail Morris (Jewish Museum London)
EU roundtable
Sylvia Necker (Institute for Contemporary History Munich-Berlin)
Integrating Jewish Voices and Stories at Obersalzberg – towards a new display concept
Hilda Nissimi (Bar Ilan Univ, Ramat Gan)
Danish Museum, Jewish Museum: The Danish Jewish Museum as Discourse on a Minority’s Integration
Kathrin Pieren (Univ. of Southampton)
Jewish museology – what Jewish museology?
Griselda Pollock (Univ. of Leeds)
Exhibiting Charlotte Salomon since 1945 – a crisis of classification?
Natalia Romik (UCL)
Design and display adaptation of the Jewish Pre-Burial House in Gliwice
Joanne Rosenthal (Jewish Museum London)
Whose Museum is it anyway? : Jewish Museums as universal spaces
Ross, Kitty (Leeds City Museums)
UK roundtable
Timo Saalmann (Germanisches Nationalmuseum)
Jewish Life in Bamberg. Making a Special Exhibition Permanent
Rachel Sarfati (Israel Museum)
Jewish art and tradition – Israeli politics and culture
Diane Saunders (Milim, Leeds)
UK roundtable
Hagai Segev (Independent curator)
A Broader Perspective of a Jewish Museum (Beit Hatefutsot)
Annette Seidel-Arpaci (Independent scholar)
Diaspora, Discord, and ‘Diversity’: Jewish Museums in Germany and the ‘Post-Migrant’ Society
Sara Tas (Joods Hist. Mus. Amsterdam)
How to tell the story of the history of the Jews in the Netherlands. New vs Old
Zsuzsanna Toronyi (Jewish Museum Budapest)
The renewal of the Hungarian Jewish Museum and Archives in 2016
Christiane Twiehaus (Archaeologische Zone, Cologne)
The Archaeological Zone with Jewish Museum in Cologne, Germany
Magda Veselská (Jewish Museum in Prague)
Museum: an (unfinished) story. The recent developments in the Jewish Museum in Prague
Miriam Wenzel (Jewish Museum Frankfurt)
The Reinvention of the Jewish Museum Frankfurt
Dominic Williams (Univ. of Leeds)
The Sonderkommando and the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Museum
Sunday 13 March
9.00-9.30 Registration - Old Mining Building Foyer
Welcome and Introduction to the conference
Eva Frojmovic
Old Mining Building G.19
Session 1: Museologies I
Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett
David Clark
Kathrin Pieren
Chair: J. Rosenthal
Old Mining Building G.19
11.30-11.45 Tea/Coffee Break - Old Mining Foyer
Parallel Sessions
Session 2a: Presences/Giving Voice
Sylvia Necker
Timo Saalmann
Erica Lehrer
Chair: G. Pollock
Old Mining Building G.19
Session 2b: Museologies II
Michal Frankl
Hagai Segev
Katalin Deme
Chair: A. Morris
Old Mining Building 2.01
13.15-14.15 - Lunch (all speakers and registered delegates) - Old Mining Building 2.06
Session 3: New and Renewing Museums
Christiane Twiehaus
Zsuzsanna Toronyi
Mirjam Wenzel
Chair: Valerie Mainz
Old Mining Building G.19
15.45-16.15 - Tea/Coffee Break - Old Mining Building 2.06
Session 4: Trauma and Display
Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek
Griselda Pollock
Dominic Williams
Chair: C. Kugelmann
Old Mining Building G.19
17.45-18.15 - Short break and move to Michael Sadler Building
Roundtable I: Jewish museums and European politics
Chair: G. Pollock
Rupert Becket Lecture Theatre (M. Sadler Bldg)
20.00 - Conference dinner (speakers/invitees only)
Monday 14 March
Session 5: Museums and their challenges – different visitors and different visions
Cilly Kugelmann
Rachel Sarfati
Sara Tas
Magda Veselská
Chair: B. Kirshenblatt-Gimblett
Council Chamber
11.00-11.15 - Tea/Coffee Break - Ante-chamber
Roundtable II: What’s happening in the UK?
Chair: K. Pieren
Council Chamber
12.30-13.30 - Lunch (all speakers and registered delegates) - Ante-chamber
Session 6: Research in progress
Lorenzo Borgonovo
Shir Kochavi
Anastasia Felcher
Natalia Romik
Chair: E. Frojmovic
Council Chamber
15.00-15.15 - Tea/Coffee Break - Ante-chamber
Session 7: What’s the agenda? Migration, Integration, Post-Migration
Annette Seidel-Arpaci
Hilda Nissimi
Joanne Rosenthal
David Glasser
Chair: F. Heimann-Jelinek
Council Chamber
17.15-18.00 - Drinks and Cool Down (speakers/invitees only) - Ante-chamber