Jewish Visualities
This project on the visual realms in medieval and early modern Jewish culture incorporates the following strands:
Making Images
A project on the role of image making in thirteenth-century Ashkenazi culture. Lead by Dr Eva Frojmovic.
Jewish Museologies and the Politics of Display
A two-day conference at the University of Leeds, 13-14 March 2016
The Cecil Roth Collection of Manuscripts
Judaica and Hebraica in the Roth Collection. See the full listing, with some images, of the Roth Manuscripts in this library. Once there, click on "Media" to see the handlist prepared by Roth himself and amended by Malcolm Davis in 2005. Click on "In this Collection" to pull down an expanding tree listing all manuscripts.
The Late Medieval Judeo-provencal Prayerbook
Browse the complete digital surrogate and its description in the Special Collections.
Menasseh ben Israel, rabbi, scholar, philosopher, diplomat and Hebrew printer, 1604-1657
Browse the Special Collection here of Roth's collection of Menassiana.