Antisemitism in Contemporary Culture
Critical perspectives on Antisemitism in Contemporary Culture
A project supported by the Stanley and Audrey Burton Trust
The challenge:
- To stimulate a new debate about Antisemitism
- To provide a meeting ground between university researchers and critical thinkers from other areas of public life and the media.
- To explore some of Antisemitism’s new forms, sites, practices and images
- To situate Antisemitism in the expanding study of racisms of many kinds, in relation to a geographical dispersion which is linked with new directions in the study of the postcolonial, diasporic world.
- To plot the migrations of antisemitic imagery in relation to changes in geopolitical power relations – imagery that appears in places and contexts separate from the historical foundations of European Antisemitism.
The team at the University of Leeds:
Dr Eva Frojmovic, Centre for Jewish Studies; Professor Griselda Pollock, Centre for Cultural Analysis, Theory and History; Professor Graham Huggan and others, Institute for Colonial and Postcolonial Studies; Dr Alan Craig, POLIS (Politics and International Studies); Dr Jay Prosser (English); Professor Max Silverman, Professor of French, (Centre for French and Francophone Cultural; Studies)
Three Themes:
- Unnoticed tropes The complexities of Antisemitism in contemporary culture
- Intersections Antisemitism and postcoloniality
- Displacements Antisemitism and new internationalisms
Displaying Synagoga today
As part of the International Medieval Congress 2011, Eva Frojmovic will chair a Roundtable on "Displaying / Musealising the Medieval...