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Dr Valerie Mainz

School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies


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A lecturer, then a senior lecturer in the School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies between 1992 and 2018, I devised and taught modules at BA/MA levels entitled ‘Jews into Frenchmen?: Identity, Nations and the French Revolution’ and ‘Virtue, Vice and Voyeurism: Rembrandt and The Bible’.

Relevant Publications include:

V. Mainz, ‘Hope and Expectation between Belief and Reason’, Oxford Art Journal, 2004, 27/3, pp 425-428

V. Mainz, ‘The Picturing of Jews in History (From Napoleon to Poussin, but then not back again)’, Paragraph, 1996, 19/3, pp 205-219

V. Mainz, ‘The Sacrifice of Eleazar: Catholic History Paintings of Jewish Law at the time of the French Revolution’, Interfaces: Image, Texte, Langage, 1995, 4(7), pp 27-46